Sunday, February 22, 2009

Graduation Day

Tomorrow is graduation day for cardio rehab.  It wasn't bad at all except for having to get up to an alarm clock.  Since retiring in 2007, I've only had to use an alarm clock once or twice before last month.  I started rehab going to the 1:30 sessions but it seemed to waste the entire day, so I switched to the 8 am sessions.  Now I need to make sure I keep up with the exercise program.  The main thing I learned is that the exercise does not have to be painful.  I probably failed at exercise programs in the past because I felt I had to push myself to misery.  We'll see how it goes!


  1. Woohoo!! You graduated!! Now we have to come up with an exercise plan.

  2. Congrats! Now that the days are getting longer and the weather warmer there will be plenty of options for getting outside!
